Identifying Gender Dysphoria in Children

by | Jan 24, 2022 | Transgender Surgery


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It’s not unusual for young children to explore life as the other gender. For instance, you might find a little boy parading around the house with a purse and wearing his mom’s high heels. Girls may play with cars or in the dirt in the backyard every once in a while. However, not all children do these things as part of typical play. Gender dysphoria in children can have a significant impact on your child’s life. Learning how to identify the signs will allow you to help your child through these challenging times.

Insistence of Being the Opposite Sex

Kids sometimes pretend to be someone they are not. However, if your child is insistent they are the opposite sex of their assigned gender at birth, it’s something you need to take seriously. Those who are suffering from gender dysphoria in children will insist on being the opposite sex consistently and over an extended period of time. Instead of dismissing this behavior, it’s best to explore things further to determine if your child is suffering and needs help.

Preference for Clothes and Toys

Gender dysphoria in children can often present itself in their daily preferences. A little boy who would much rather wear dresses and play with dolls may have feelings of gender dysphoria. Little girls who don’t want to dress up or prefer to play with action figures and toy cars could be telling you something about themselves. Your job as a parent is to support their decisions and help them understand what they’re going through. If you’re struggling to handle it yourself, there’s no harm in asking your child’s doctor or a transgender therapist for guidance.

A Strong Dislike of Their Sex Organs

Kids are often intrigued with parts of their body as they learn more about them and themselves. However, gender dysphoria in children can create a strong dislike for their genitals. If your child is expressing distaste for their genitals and stating they wish they were the other sex, it’s something to take seriously.

If you need help managing gender dysphoria in children, visit The International Center for Transgender Care to get the assistance you need.

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