What to Expect During Body Masculinization Surgery

by | Mar 24, 2020 | Transgender Surgery


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Body masculinization surgery is one of many procedures that is available for transgender men who wish to have a more traditionally male body. The procedures you choose are based on your needs and preferences. Some men may choose to have several surgeries done at once, while others may choose to have only one. If you’re researching this type of surgery, we’re here to share what you can expect.

What to Expect from the Procedure Itself

In most cases, body masculinization surgery will be done on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. The procedures you choose will have a large impact on how long the surgery itself will take. After the surgeon has concluded his or her work, you will likely be provided with a compression garment specific to the procedure that you had done. Those who have abdominal surgery may have drains that will need to be cared for until they are removed.

You should be aware that not all individuals will be candidates for this procedure. Some surgeons will want you to be at a certain weight or have other restrictions in place. There are also potential complications which you and your surgeon will discuss prior to surgery.

What Recovery is Like for Body Masculinization Surgery

Your recovery may vary in length depending on what procedures you had done and which surgeon did the work. In most cases, pain medication will be provided for soreness, but you can expect to feel better every day after the procedure is done. If you were fitted with a compression garment, it will be removed for the first time at your first post-operative visit. This is also when drains will be removed, and you will be cleared to shower.

Those who are using compression garments will be expected to wear them at all times other than when you are showering for a few weeks after the surgery is complete. Most patients can return to work after no more than a week, but this may vary depending on the level of physical activity you are tasked with. At around the month or two-month mark, your surgeon will clear you for continuing your previous exercise regimen.

If you are interested in learning more about masculinization surgery for transgender men, the experts at the International Center for Transgender Care are here to help. You can get more information about procedures and surgeons by visiting www.TheTransCenter.com.

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