What your Pediatric Doctor in Temecula Should Know

by | Jan 25, 2017 | Health


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Forming a great relationship with your pediatric doctor in Temecula starts with opening the lines of communication. You want to be sure that you are sharing pertinent information about your child with your pediatric doctor in Temecula so that your child gets the best focused individualized care that they deserve. Keep in mind as a parent one of your most important jobs is to advocate for your child and that means speaking up and letting the pediatrician know of your concerns and to get advice that you need.

Sharing Information

At your next visit your doctor should be made aware of:

  • Any illnesses
  • Any allergic reactions or suspected reactions
  • If you are transferring doctors bring old records
  • Any behavior problems

If your child has been sick in between visits or had a visit to the emergency room make the doctor aware, bring any records of any other visits. Be sure to let your doctor know if any medications were prescribed during the emergency room visit if there was one.

Be sure that you let the doctor know if your child has had an allergic reactions or symptoms like a skin rash or hives. It is important that you share that information so that the doctor can set up some testing.

If this is your first visit be sure that you bring any old medical records that you have including immunization records.

Behavior Problems

Your pediatric doctor should be made aware of any behavior issues or any unusual behavior that has recently started. Children express medical problems in many ways and a change in behavior may be one of them. Your child’s doctor should be your confidante when it comes to sharing information about your child since you are both striving for the same goals.

Children’s Primary Care Medical Group is a great place to get medical care for your child.

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