Injections of Platelet Rich Plasma in Pensacola FL May Help With Knee Osteoarthritis

by | Aug 22, 2016 | Orthopedics


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Orthopedic doctors sometimes turn to therapies that might cause skepticism if they weren’t offered by medical doctors. For example, an orthopedic physician might treat a patient’s knee osteoarthritis with Platelet Rich Plasma in Pensacola FL. This may be used in an effort to prevent the need for surgery when the pain and stiffness has not responded well to other treatments, such as corticosteroid injections or physical therapy. Steroid injections help reduce inflammation and are useful for many patients, but they do not work entirely effectively for everyone.

Orthopedic physicians are dedicated to helping patients keep their bones and joints as healthy and functional as possible throughout life. Middle-aged patients and senior citizens commonly start developing at least minor symptoms of arthritis. Unfortunately, certain patients can experience discomfort and lack of flexibility that prevents them from being active. They give up activities they used to enjoy, such as bike riding or hiking on trails. Their lives become more sedentary, and they tend to gain weight. These are all risk factors for serious health problems such as diabetes and heart disease.

Platelet Rich Plasma in Pensacola FL provides hope for knee osteoarthritis patients. Also known as PRP, the treatment involves the injection of the patient’s own plasma. Using a centrifuge, a medical technician has previously separated the platelets out from a vial of the patient’s blood. The rich concentration of platelets in this plasma, when delivered to the knee joint, has several important benefits. Platelets help repair and restore damaged tissues, and they also draw healing-boosting stem cells from elsewhere in the person’s body. The body normally sends extra platelets to an injured site for these purposes, and the injections provide an even more abundant amount.

Research on the therapy is still in the early stages, but studies show promising results. Some study participants have experienced up to 19 months of pain relief and pain reduction after PRP therapy, with the average being about 11 months. The therapy appears to be safe, especially since it uses the patient’s own blood. Anyone who finds this possibility intriguing may contact Panhandle Orthopaedics for more details.

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