How to Reduce Needlestick Injuries in U.S. Healthcare Facilities

by | Nov 16, 2021 | Health


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One of the most potentially dangerous aspects of working in healthcare are needlestick injuries. When taking care of patients and performing surgical procedures, healthcare providers can accidentally end up getting stuck with a sharp instrument. An estimated 1,000 needlestick injuries happen everyday in healthcare. Follow these tips to help reduce the number of needlestick injuries your staff may have when taking care of patients.

Understand When the Potential Is High

Certain procedures result in a greater risk of needlestick injuries happening than others. Procedures that can cause greater risk include:

  • Disposing tubal needles
  • Manipulating needles into veins
  • Using glass equipment
  • Do not use proper workstations
  • Are unaware of the surroundings of other patients

Know What Employers Can Do

Employers can play a vital role in reducing potential harm caused by needlesticks. Employers can chose to provide healthcare workers with the right types of preventative care, such as needles that come with safety features. Employers can also choose not to use needles if a safer alternative is available to perform the same job.

In addition to preventative care, employers can offer healthcare employees post-accident evaluations. A thorough bloodborne pathogen program can also help ensure that employees are taken care of after needlestick injury.

Consider Changing Supplies

Some accidents occur due to continual use of the same ineffectual supplies. For example, an estimated 59% of suture needle injuries occur while suturing muscle. This type of injury can easily be prevented by changing to blunt-tip needles.

Sharp Fluidics provides healthcare facilities with the ability to prevent needlestick injuries.

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