Home Health Care Services: Do Your Parents Need Them?

by | Oct 4, 2018 | Health


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Your parents are getting on in years. It can be pretty hard to accept the fact that they aren’t as strong as they used to be, though. Do you think your parents might require in-home care services? Run through the following things to know if you might need to start calling up home health care services in Philadelphia PA soon.

Small changes

No matter how fit and healthy your parents are, they’ll start to suffer from age-related health changes. Their eyes and hearing might decline, their muscles will lose mass, and their bones will lose density, among other things. This will compromise their ability to do everyday tasks.

Not asking for help

Your parents might not ask for help even when these things start to happen. You might wonder why. Sometimes, though, they might not realize what’s happening. And if they do, they might not accept it. If they fear about being a burden to family members, then they might not breathe a word of these changes.

Recognize the signs

You’ll want to make sure you recognize the signs that your parents need help, the U.S. News says. For instance, are they having a hard time preparing their meals? Do they have mobility issues? Can they still maintain the lawn, do their groceries or bathe on their own? Or are they starting to forget things, is starting to withdraw from activities, and has an unkempt appearance? Then it might be time to sit down and have a conversation about hiring home health care services in Philadelphia PA.

Research your options

When you pick a home care agency, make sure figure out the basics. How long has the company been in business? Is it certified and accredited? Do they provide compassionate and competent service? Can they provide the help your parents need? Research and find out.

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