Ear infections are a part of life, especially when you have small children. When visiting a chiropractor, you and your child can benefit by having a procedure done that assists in unwinding nervous system tension in the body. This has the ability to help restore the...
Earl Smith
Here Are Some of the Top Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage Therapy
Similar to the Swedish massage, deep tissue massage comes with several benefits, but one advantage that comes with deep tissue massage is released chronic muscle tension. The focus of this massage is on the deep layers of tendons, muscle tissue, and fascia, or the...
Three Considerations for Hiring Someone to Handle Revenue Cycle Management
Revenue cycle management (RCM) is a vital part of business for any healthcare provider. It is one of two key drivers for financial success. Often, it is a source of irritation and frustration to healthcare organizations. Here are three reasons for considering bringing...
Metropolitan Physical Therapy
Physical therapy has been around for thousands of years. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, practiced a form by prescribing massages, hydrotherapy, and manual therapy. A modern-day physical therapist in Erie has to be able to decide what is best for a patient by...
Upgrading the Functions of Your Medical Clinic
Most patients today are aware of the technological breakthroughs found in the medical industry today. They know when they go to the doctor that they will encounter technology that will enhance the way they are treated and speed up the results of important medical...