The Importance of Pediatric Care in Summerville, SC

by | Jul 9, 2020 | Health Care


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Why does a pediatrician examine each baby so intently? For starters, it’s their job to ensure each child is growing healthily. What goes on during Pediatric Care in Summerville, SC?

Proper movement is a must

Pediatricians have a knack for tugging on each part of a baby. Even though this may worry some parents, it is actually very normal (and smart). Doctors do this to ensure the child’s joints are working properly. For example, one of the upper limbs may have suffered some damage during childbirth. This is called a lesion of the brachial plexus, which causes weakness in the arm. The doctor will order a simple rehabilitation plan, and everything should return to normal!

Another important check is the articulation of the hip, which sometimes suffers from dislocation during the birthing process. The wearing of abduction panties, which spreads the hips, helps greatly. While a hip dislocation is normally detected at birth, the pediatrician will check it out anyway during the child’s first visit.

Are there any other examinations?

When it comes to Pediatric Care in Summerville, SC, there are plenty of other exams performed. The doctor will ensure the proper functioning of the baby’s heart, lungs, abdomen, and so on. He or she will also look at the curvature of the spine and evaluate, the child’s sight and hearing. They may even look at the infant’s oral cavity, their tongue, and gums. And, above all, he or she should listen to the parent. Remember, there are no stupid questions when it comes to parenting.

And vaccinations?

In the first month, a single vaccine is recommended against Hepatitis B. At two months, the child will receive their second Hepatitis B shot along with their first DTaP, Hib, Polio, Rotavirus and Pneumococcal shots. This immediately brings up the question if the second, third and fourth monthly visits are really useful.

The short answer is yes. During these consultations, the pediatrician performs the same complete examination as during the first visit. These visits go pretty fast even though the doctor performs a series of exams. He or she will check to ensure that baby has acquired the proper skills related to his or her age. Visit the website of Palmetto Pediatrics for more information.

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