How Customized Care Can Help Senior Family Members With Memory Retention

by | Jun 21, 2019 | Senior Citizen Center


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Developing programs to help people with gradual memory loss condition like dementia is a sound way to use daily activity time to improve memory skills. Each program can be geared to different facets of memory and customized to fit the individual. It’s the exact program your loved one should have if they are in need of dementia care.

Exercise and Mental Acuity

Maintaining a steady routine of daily exercise is shown to help mental acuity and memory in those with dementia. You can take advantage of customized exercise plans your loved one will love at the dementia care homes in Decatur, GA, families trust for consistent, excellent care. All exercise is designed to be challenging for the individual, without the danger of being too difficult or exhausting.

Non-Competitive Games and Activities

Getting those with dementia engaged in games and other activities is another way to reduce bouts of confusion or memory loss. All activities are done in a non-competitive way that offers no way to lose. It’s more about socializing and sharing experiences that are enjoyed. The selection and varieties are enormous to allow full creativity and continued interest.

Personal Item Memory Exploration

One thing your senior family member with dementia will enjoy are times spent with family and friends recalling memories through personal items. It helps them retain memories longer and with richer detail. You can help fill in any blanks they have in memory. It allows the family a chance to help in huge ways while on visits. Choose one of the dementia care homes in Decatur, GA, families count on to help loved ones retain vivid memories for as long as possible.

Call the helpful and friendly staff or visit the website and find out more about the services available for those with dementia today.

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