What Can You Expect From Chemo Cancer Treatment in Newton KS?

by | Feb 1, 2016 | Cancer Treatment Center


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When a person first learns they have cancer; they often feel afraid and their mind is in turmoil. While there are now many ways of effectively treating and even curing cancer, it is still a formidable opponent. Through chemo Cancer Treatment in Newton KS, many types of cancer can be managed and cured. It is important a patient is properly prepared for the journey of going through chemo so they will know what to expect. While chemo can often be hard on the body, it frequently offers the best chances for survival.

There are different types of chemo Cancer Treatment in Newton KS. The vast majority of cancer patients receive chemo infusions through their implanted chemo port. These infusions are done through IV so the medication can be sent directly where it is needed to fight the cancer cells and kill them. The types of chemo drugs that will be used will depend on the individual’s type of cancer. Most patients will receive multiple chemo drugs requiring them to go through infusion for several hours.

The oncologist and medical staff work to keep cancer patients as comfortable as possible. Some chemo drugs can make a patient feel quite ill, leading to the need for other drug intervention to stop symptoms like nausea and stomach pain. It is important cancer patients remain vocal and inform their doctor of any adverse side-effects they may be experiencing. This will allow the doctor to help the patient through drug intervention, so they are more comfortable during and after their treatments.

Some people must have chemo on a daily basis, weekly, or twice a month. The patient’s oncologist will set up a chemo schedule so the best results can be achieved in fighting the cancer and destroying it so the patient can fully recover.

If you are faced with cancer, you are not alone. This is a fight you can receive help with. Browse Business Name and learn about the many treatment options they offer for cancer patients. They will help and support you through every step of the journey towards becoming cancer free. Call them today for your appointment.

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