Put an end to your liberal hair shaving habits. Are waxing, shaving, and tweezing too tedious an affair for you these days? Laser hair removal in Fayetteville area delivers pristine results in record time. If this is your first procedure, here are some facts to give you an idea of what the treatment involves.
Laser Hair Removal Basics
You’re always safest with a certified aesthetician. Given the intricacy of the procedure, you’ll want nothing short of mastery. The aesthetician’s specialized laser technology uses a precision light technique to penetrate hair follicles (roots). This action stimulates the pigments that promote hair growth. The distribution of light inhibits the natural growth process and destroys the cells that encourage cyclic hair restoration. Aestheticians consider hair type, thickness, and color as well as skin pigment when administering laser treatment. This critical step enables them to calibrate the laser machine correctly.
What Makes Laser Hair Removal Worth Every Dollar?
Whether you’re getting rid of unwanted facial hair or removing hair from your arms, underarms, legs, or bikini line, laser therapy takes the stress out of the process. Laser hair removal in Fayetteville provides instant results, freeing up hours you used to devote to shaving, waxing, and tweezing.
This process is noninvasive and time efficient. Each area requires less than an hour for individualized treatment. You’ll appreciate the level of precision laser hair removal therapy offers when you see that your surrounding skin remains unblemished.
How to Prepare for Your Procedure
Preparing for laser hair removal is an essential part of your treatment process. This preliminary step influences how flawless your skin will look after laser therapy. Do you wax or tweeze your hair or do electrolysis treatment regularly?
Electrolysis, plucking, and waxing remove your hair follicles temporarily, so you should refrain from these activities for at least six weeks preceding laser hair removal. Also, avoid sun exposure, which increases the risks of post-treatment complications and reduces the efficacy of laser therapy.
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