A Simple Guide To Inkjet Bioprinting And Its Applications

by | Oct 27, 2020 | Health


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Inkjet bioprinting is a process that involves non-contact printing with high throughput, considerable reproducibility, and high resolution. Medics also use this printing technology in the biofabrication process to print biological factors and living cells.

Materials that undergo this process are mostly used in the medical field to repair damaged cells, tissues, and organs.

How It Works

The bioprinting process has multiple similarities with 3D printing. It’s generally divided into 3 steps.


Here, a doctor prepares a 3D model in line with the tissue or organ to be bioprinted. He/she creates this reconstruction based on the images captured non-invasively, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


This process involves the printing of your tissue or organ from the preprocessing stage. Just like any other type of 3D printing, your specialist will add layers of materials successively to complete the process.


In this stage, the doctor performs necessary procedures to transform the print into a functional tissue or organ. This step may need the use of a special chamber where your doctor will place the print. This way, the cells will mature more quickly and adequately.

Finally, although inkjet bioprinting may help save lives, many challenges haven’t been addressed yet. That’s why you need to only go for the pros, such as the experts at CELLINK. As an award-winning Bioink company, we’ve got all it takes to provide technologies that revolutionize industries.

For more information about our services, contact us today!

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