What Every Patient Considering FTM Reassignment Surgery Really Needs

by | Jul 22, 2019 | Transgender Surgeons


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The symptoms of gender dysphoria can appear as early as infancy or childhood. It’s a devastating reality that has divided countless families trying to understand this complex science. Although there’s incredible support out there to help trans people and their loved ones navigate the whirlwind of emotions and challenges, families still struggle to accept female-to-male reassignment surgery. Sometimes, the afflicted endure the identity conflict throughout childhood, puberty and adulthood before undergoing gender reassignment. Early intervention reduces the risks of psychological consequences, such as personality disorder, social or personal instability and more. What qualifies a non-binary patient for sex reassignment as it pertains to gender dysphoria?

The Diagnosis: True Evidence of Gender Dysphoria

It’s mandatory for a potential female-to-male reassignment surgery candidate to undergo comprehensive behavioral assessment. The process requires the expertise of a licensed behavioral scientist to establish gender dysphoria patterns and evaluate a patient’s condition. The has concluded that gender dysphoria plays a critical role in shaping a patient’s behavior, self-image and dress style.

Sex Reassignment Eligibility Requirements:

Emotional stability
Conclusive gender dysphoria diagnosis
Mental health clearance by two or more psychotherapists
Successful Hormone treatment (one year or longer)
Medically Healthy

Is HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) Necessary?

The subject undergoing FTM or female-to-male reassignment surgery needs HRT or masculinizing hormone therapy. The process is necessary to help trans people develop the desired secondary sex characteristics. Although medical professionals in this area generally recommend gender reassignment surgery after puberty, they frequently encourage transgender hormone therapy during childhood. Given that every patient’s situation is different, they administer HRT based on a case-to-case basis.

What Happens During FTM HRT?

The physical changes that occur are:

Masculine hair pattern forms
Voice deepens
Masculine muscle and fat distribution occurs

Medical practitioners use drugs that act as receptor modulators, which includes GnRH analogs and synthesized androgens (testosterone). Most recipients experience incredible improvements with gender dysphoria conflict, where levels of discomfort and distress gradually diminish over time. There’s some amount of well-documented research that suggests HRT helps to improve a trans patient’s mood, energy level and appetite.

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