Local cosmetic patients that wish to explore solutions for fine lines should consider the benefits of fillers. These products are injected directly into the problem areas to reduce the signs of these conditions. They present the patient with more youthful and fuller skin after the injection. Juvederm Ultra Plus is among these beneficial treatments that are available through local medical spas.
What Benefits Will They Receive?
The treatment provides patients with plumper skin. This effect eliminates creases and fine lines. They also reduce the visible signs of wrinkles and provide a more youthful appearance. Patients could also acquire these treatments to increase the size of their lips. These effects can last as long as six months. They provide the patient with an option that is safer than permanent alternatives.
What are the Known Side Effects?
The product can produce swelling in the treated area. Patients could experience sudden lumps and inflammation immediately following the treatment. These side effects are not long lasting and typically disappear completely within a few short day.
Patients who are pregnant or nursing shouldn’t acquire these treatments as they could cause additional side effects. Equally, patients that have excessive loose facial skin or larger scars shouldn’t undergo the treatment as it could cause complications and will not achieve the desired effects.
What are the Risks of the Procedure?
The procedure is safe and does not produce major complications in ideal patients. The patients who have experienced any minor side effects are not at risk of more complex occurrences. Since the product is not manufactured from animal-based substances, it is less likely to cause an allergic reaction. It can, however, lead to minor bruising of the skin that will disappear after one week. If the patient experiences any symptoms beyond these side effects, they should contact their preferred doctor immediately.
Local cosmetic patients find unique solutions that are safer than surgery. Among these solutions are fillers that are injected into the preferred areas. They provide the patient with smoother skin that is free of wrinkles and fine lines. Patients who wish to receive Juvederm Ultra Plus to eliminate these conditions should visit website to schedule an appointment today. You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.