7 Tips to Prepare for Spider Veins Treatment

by | Oct 20, 2021 | Health


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Getting vein treatment might not seem important. But if you have spider veins, they could worsen over time and that could lead to more swelling, pain, and in some cases, compromised mobility. It’s smart to receive treatment. Before you take this step, though, here are tips to help you prepare for the procedure.

Stay Hydrated

If you’ve already scheduled an appointment with a vein specialist that has an excellent reputation for treating spider veins in San Jose, then it’s important that you stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water.

Follow Instructions

The doctor might prescribe a sedative medication, though, depending on the location and size of the veins. Be sure to consume the medication according to the recommended instructions or your doctor’s advice.

Pack Comfortable Clothes

Be sure to wear loose clothing. Compression stockings, though, can help on the day of the procedure.

Ask About Medication

Do you take blood thinners? What about aspirin? If you take medication, you might need to stop taking them a few days before the treatment. Consult with your doctor to find out how you should proceed.

Talk About Effects

What are effects and side-effects that you can expect? For instance, vein bruising happens to some people. However, the bruises fade over time, so they’re not a source of concern. If they’re severe in your case, though, and you seem to be experiencing other symptoms right along with those bruises, don’t dismiss them. Tell your doctor. It might be caused by something else.

Take Photos

Snap before and after photos. That will help you determine how effective the treatment has been for you.

Check Out Photos

It’s also helpful to check out before and after photos from other patients. That way, you get a better idea of what to expect from the treatment if you go with one Vein Specialty Medical Clinic, Inc.

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